Welcome to our website

In this page you will find all of the services we provide to our international clients, as well as all the information that you will need to contact us directly.

1. Conversion of Foreign Driving License:

If you have a driving license outside the European Union and you are staying in Greece more than six months you need to convert your driving license to a Greek one.

We can take care of the whole procedure, inform you about it and take care of all the paperwork. Just give us a call or pay us a visit.


2. Driver Retraining:

Do you have a driving license but haven’t driven in a while?
Are you afraid to take your vehicle to the streets?
Do you want to remember the basics of vehicle maintenance before you get on the road?

Our school provides four courses in safe and correct driving that cater to the needs of new and old drivers.

3. Renewal of Driving License:

If you are above a certain age you are required by law to renew your driving license. This obligation starts from the age of 65 and the procedure changes between 65, 75 and 80 years of age.

We can take care of the whole procedure, all you have to do is contact us or visit our offices.

Contact Us

We are glad to answer all of your questions

Through Phone:
28210 49290

Through Email:

Through live chat: